In addition, the Dry Tower system is fully adaptable to fit into existing facilities. In Altenmarkt, for example, we only had an available height of 3.40 m, but this was not a problem for the Dry Tower system. Motor technology, sensor technology and electronics are consistent throughout all Dry Tower systems, but the dimensions can be readily adapted to suit the space available. The final factor in our decision was the customized software that was fully tailored to our needs.
The time savings we achieve with Dry Tower are considerable. When we send a complete parts list with 100 different positions to the storage system, within 30 minutes in 15-second intervals the materials are delivered by individual rollers to the chosen discharge station in the correct order. Previously every individual item took a minute to collect and get it to the right location.
Since the Dry Tower system has been in use, there has been no significant disturbance. Our technically trained staff can solve small faults without great effort. Our experiences with Dry Tower have only been good and we value it as a future-oriented, space-optimized storage system with appropriate software support. It supports us in process safety and process capability and helps us to incorporate industry 4.0 principles in our daily work. ”